About one in three people suffer from some form of TMJ disorder (TMD). A neuro-muscular orthotic provides non-invasive treatment for TMD.
Initial Consult
Patients who need TMJ care are generally identified during a comprehensive exam for new patients. Subsequently, Dr. Rahman sets up an initial consult on a Friday morning to understand your medical history and discuss key goals from treatment.
Treatment Phase
The treatment starts with a 2-hour TENS session where your jaw muscles are stimulated to relieve you of immediate pain. We then take facial measurements, a TMJ-focused CT scan, and a physiologic bite when your jaw is relaxed.
Treatment Outcome
Treatment outcome includes two solutions. We provide you with a wearable, neuro-muscular orthotic that should provide notable immediate relief from TMJ pain. For long term relief, we provide targeted orthodontic treatment to address the root causes.
Dysfunction of the Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) is referred to as TMD (temporomandibular dysfunction). TMD is a disorder of one or both of the two small joints in front of your ears that control the movement of your jaw. When either of these joints is out of alignment, patients can observe symptoms such as limited range of jaw opening, jaw clicking, chronic migraine, teeth clenching and grinding, loss of balance, difficulty in swallowing, and facial asymmetry. ​
TMD can severely affect the health and lifestyle of the patient. Studies suggest that one in four Americans suffer from TMD, a majority of whom go without proper treatment. We routinely treat TMJ disorders with non-surgical, non-invasive, oral appliance therapy. This usually involves customized orthotics so that the muscles, bones, and teeth can function in a more neurologically correct manner.
Our treatment philosophy is intended to produce a balanced bite. We utilize several computerized instruments to measure your jaw movements and jaw muscle activity to determine the extent of your problem and to establish a “physiologic rest position” for the jaw. Some of the measurement techniques and procedures include:
Jaw Tracking (Electrognathograph, Kinesiography) – Analyzes mandibular movements three dimensionally. A headset is placed on the patient and a magnet is attached to the lower front teeth. Recording of the lower jaw movement is then made.
TENS – Ultra-low frequency electrical stimulation of the muscles to relieve muscle spasms and pain and help establish a “physiologic” jaw position.
We will customize a treatment plan for you based on the specifics of your case. As always, our philosophy is holistic in nature and looks at all of the potential causes and contributory influences of TMD. For some patients, the TMJ treatment might include the application of Botox. We have doctors within our practice who specialize in administering Botox for TMJ relief.
Some patients suffer from such serious conditions that they might require more invasive treatment. We would refer you to the best oral surgeons in the area for continuity of care.